Indoor Mapping
Revolutionizing Indoor Navigation Experience
We provide Indoor Navigation and Wayfinding Software as a solution for large venues such as airports, hospitals, malls, stadiums and smart cities. It is part of its IOT Services platform that uses advanced technologies such as Bluetooth
Low Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi Network and Earth’s Magnetic Field to enable accurate and user-friendly navigation on a digital map.
With Identifeye’s software, visitors can enjoy a blue-dot experience with turn-by-turn navigation and voice guidance. They can also search for points of interest or facilities within the venue and get directions.
The software works with both battery powered BLE Beacons or Wi-Fi Access Points with embedded BLE Beacons.
Map Digitization Services
Identifeye helps you digitize and optimize your indoor maps for all digital platforms for indoor spaces and indoor positioning technologies. The Map with the Software Development Kit (SDK) is hosted on multiple digital platforms including mobile App SDK, Web HTML SDK and Digital Kiosk HTML SDK.
App Download Promotion
Identifeye works together with your marketing team to build strategies to promote your venue app that includes Indoor Wayfinding Map SDK and proximity marketing functions.
Enhanced Guest Experience
Identifeye enhances your guest’s experience by helping them navigate in your venue with ease and convenience.